How A Trust Can Help Provide For Your Future
A good estate plan includes a wide range of estate planning tools, each of which play an important part of your comprehensive Life Care Plan. Trusts are helpful for financial planning and the preservation and protection of individual and family assets.
Establishing Trusts To Suit The Individual Needs Of Our Clients
At The Elder & Disability Law Center, our lawyers tailor trusts based on the unique needs and desires of our clients and their families. We pay careful attention to each detail in order to reduce the risks fiduciaries may face, put your mind at ease about the financial future of your family and pave the way to a smooth trust administration process.
Providing You With Skilled And Experienced Legal Help
Let us advise you about your long-term care, disability and estate planning options and tailor a solution to best suit your needs. Since 1999, attorneys at The Elder & Disability Law Center have focused solely on advocating for and advising individuals and families confronting the challenges of aging, disability, illness and planning for long-term care.
Call 202-452-0000 or 866-399-4324 or send us an email to schedule a consultation. We assist clients throughout the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area, Virginia and Maryland.